Week 263 "Work from Home" / Week 195 of "Hybrid"
Well here we are one week after spring and we are under another winter storm watch including icy conditions. I don't know about anyone else, but this is becoming way too much. Please be careful if you have to go out and about. It doesn't sound like pleasant driving weather.
⛪⛪⛪23 Days until Easter⛪⛪⛪
Remember my office hours are Tuesday through Thursday at 9am to 12noon.
Your offering envelopes are at the back of the church. If there are none for you and you would like some, please let me know and I will get them to you.
If you you have anything you would like to put in the bulletin or newsletter, please let me know by Wednesday. You can call the church and leave a message, email the church by clicking here, or drop a note in the offering plate on Sunday.
Morning Prayer continues to be on the fourth Sunday of the month. Although change happens. Check the above calendar for any changes. The MST will be hosting a training session for different jobs in the church on Sunday, February 4 after the 10 a.m. service. There will be a potluck as well. Contact Katie Chipman-Bergsma by email, if you are interested.
I would also like to remind everyone, if you have family news you would like included in the newsletter, please let the office know by Thursday mornings.
Our Sunday service is at 10 a.m. followed by a social hour. If you would like to have coffee, there is a sign-up sheet in the undercroft. Please note that if you sign up, you will have to make the coffee and clean up after.
We want you to remember, ALL are welcome to God’s table for communion. Receiving in one kind (spiritually, Host and/or wine) is communion. We want everyone to feel comfortable when receiving, therefore, before receiving communion, we ask you to use the hand sanitizer provided.
It is important that you remember, pledges are still needed to keep the church operating. If you would like to keep your pledge up to date and are not able to attend services, you can mail checks to the church, 533 Bingham Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783.
If you have questions or concerns or need pastoral care, please do not hesitate to contact the church, Vestry, or MST.
Hopefully you get a chance to use the "Prayers of the People" and "St. James Prayer List" in your prayers that can be found in the weekly newsletter. If you want to add someone to the prayer list, email the church, stjames533@gmail.com or call the church (906) 632-2451 and leave a message.
If you have changed phone numbers or email addresses recently, please email the church, stjames533@gmail.com with the changes. This also includes changes or additions for birthdates, anniversaries, family info.
The diocese sends out emails with links to services and diocesan news. You can sign up for their UPCHAT information by contacting Kathy Binoniemi.
Stay Healthy,
To place items in the weekly bulletin, weekly newsletter, or on the website, contact the office by phone or email.
Office hours are Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 12noon.
Many thanks to those who contribute returnable cans and bottles to our recycling container at the church. Contributions really add up during the year and the proceeds go towards helping area families purchase gifts and food during the holidays. Please remember to remove all caps from bottles and make sure that the bottles you leave are clean and returnable for a deposit refund. Susan Harries would like help taking the cans and bottles back to stores so that they don't pile up near the trash receptacle. If you can help with this project, please contact Susan at (906) 322-1793 as to the procedure to follow to document the number of bottles and amount of money taken in.
Please update your email address with St. James:’ stjames533@gmail.com
To keep Up-To-Date on Happenings around St. James & the Sault, go here and click on the link to sign up for the weekly newsletter. To add news, the office needs it by 11am Friday.
Rainbow Recover (RR) is virtual only on Wednesday nights at 7pm. “One Day At A Time - Alcoholics Anonymous” (ODAAT-AA) is virtual only on Friday nights at 7pm. Both RR and ODAAT-AA use the same ZOOM ID 81140106468 Click here to go to their Facebook for more information.

The Vestry and the Ministry Support Team have been in conversation regarding St. James’ Discretionary Fund.
The Discretionary Fund has always relied on the ECW, weddings, funerals, and donations for its funding. As those are now not as frequent, it was suggested to designate funds collected on the fourth Sunday of each month to be placed in the Discretionary Fund. These funds will be used by our Priests in order to assist others in time of need or crisis.
A collection plate will be placed by the font on the fourth Sunday of the month for donations to help the members of St. James to “Reach Out and Celebrate the Love of Christ.”
“Discretionary Fund” envelopes for loose offering will be next to the collection plate. If you would like to place a check in the Discretionary plate instead of cash, make it out to St. James Church and remember to put “Discretionary Fund” on the memo line.
Thank you for helping achieve our goal.